The programme starts in February 2023 and you get:

3 Monthly Deep Dive Sessions

Where I take you through the steps you need to implement our key principles.

- Introduction To Our Evidence Based Inclusion Methodology + Case Study

- Our Real Time Curation Strategy + Case Study

- How To Dial In On Your Inclusion Activities + Case Study

3 Monthly Office Hours Sessions

Where you can ask me anything related to the programme.

- One For Each Masterclass

Dr. Jonathan's Personal Notes For 12 Months:

These are my personal notes and analysis that distill the frameworks and methodologies of relevant books. You’ll get this for a year.

The Element of Inclusion Playbook Masterclass:

A Step By Step Guide For Practical Communication To Build Inclusion Where You Work

The Element of Inclusion Cheat Sheets:

The Fast Track Tactics For Leaders Building Inclusion At Work

The Element of Inclusion Swipe File

Our Top 50 Inclusion Insights

We can only support up to 50 clients at this time, so if this feels right for you, make sure you act now or we might not be able to work with you

This is a limited offer we will never make again.